I'm a little tired today. Okay, alot tired.
And ya, that's our "new" van, but that's a whole other blog tale coming later...
I'm a little tired today. Okay, alot tired.
Posted by Heather at 1:04 PM 0 comments
Pictures are from my 19 week ultrasound...
Today was my 25 week appointment, and everything looks good! Since my visit last month, I've gained just less than 3 pounds, which brings my total weight gain with this pregnancy to just less than 3 pounds. Brooke is active as ever, and I notice she has fewer and shorter resting periods than she used to. She knows how to hit my bladder and kick my ribs all at the same time, what a talented girl!
The doctor told us we'd schedule the ultrasound next month, which was fine. We did ask her what days she does c-sections on so that we could try to plan ahead as much as possible (Dan's PTO and all that), so she looked at the calendar and said she'd try to reserve June 2nd for the c-section. A few hours after the appointment I got a phone call from the office, and they have already scheduled the c-section! WOW! It will be June 2nd at 7:30am. I can't believe how fast it's going by.Even though it's going fast, I look forward to having my body to myself again. I'm uncomfortable. If I try to stand for long periods of time, I get a pinched nerve in my leg and my back kills me. It hurts to sit on the floor and play games with Isaac. I'm one of the typical lucky women who also gets those tendon pulls that supports the uterus, and it doesn't hurt with the first pregnancy but hurts like the dickins for the 2nd and on. I'm not swollen which I'm grateful for. And at this time with Isaac, I was already seeing the doctor on a weekly basis and in roughly another month is when I was put on bedrest when I was pregnant with him. Mostly I'm TIRED. I try to get to bed early, but still waking up multiple times during the night to try to turn and get comfortable, a
couple of those times actually getting up to pee, then crawling back into bed and trying to get to sleep while listening to my husband snore and shoving at him to roll over on his side, and trying to ignore my growling stomache which thinks it's time to get up and have breakfast at 3am... It's all preparation for after Brooke arrives.
My next appointment is in 3 weeks instead of 4, and after that it will be every 2 weeks until the very end, when it will be every week. Seven months down, 3 more to go! Ya, you read that, 10 months = 40 weeks. Count it. The doctor told Dan they go be weeks which equals 10 months, and like I told him, any woman who's been pregnant KNOWS it's 10 months! Ten whole months of crabbiness, cramps and sore boobs. But it's worth it in the end.
Posted by Heather at 8:33 PM 0 comments
Yesterday Daniel celebrated his 30th birthday, and to make the day extra special he had the day off from work! We spent the day doing boring grown-up errands like getting the van into the shop and getting groceries, but it was so nice to be able to do those boring grown-up things together. A normal day is usually him coming home about 8:30pm and I've got my nose in a book and he gets on the computer, then it's bedtime. It was nice to be able to spend the day together just talking and being with each other. Who knew you could have bonding time while dividing up raw hamburger meat for the freezer?
Due to finances (the VAN!) we couldn't afford to go out anywhere for his birthday, so he decided he wanted pizza and jello for dessert. I can handle that! Isaac helped me pick out the jello (lime) which made me a bit nervous when I was mixing it up and it smelled like Pinesol. Dan wanted fruit in it so I made it all fancy just for him. While Isaac was at school we picked up the pizza and stuck it in the fridge to bake later. We had yummy pizza for dinner, and even Isaac ate it with the toppings on it!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, the only meat that child has ever had has either come from a corndog or from the occasional Happy meal! And the jello turned out super yummy, especially with Cool Whip on top. And it didn't even taste like Pinesol.
Posted by Heather at 12:58 PM 0 comments
Valentine's Day was really special this year. First of all, we don't have any babysitters. With Isaac's special needs, I don't trust anyone who's not familiar with Isaac and his needs, and he doesn't trust anyone he doesn't know. That leaves family (my mom) to be our sitter, and she lives an hour away. That also means that if Dan and I are lucky, we get to go out on a date once a year.
Posted by Heather at 1:25 PM 0 comments
Here's a link to what happened:
Yesterday was a normal day feeding Isaac lunch and getting him ready for school, and I was thrilled that we were getting out the door right at 12:20 so we would have plenty of time to get Isaac to class and not be rushed (the side of the building where we have to park is locked so we have to walk around the school to the only entrance that's open and then go upstairs, walk thru the school and downstairs to get to his class). Since it was rainy out I decided to drive, but with the school being 2 blocks away when the weather is nice we walk.
So I drive Isaac to school and I park on the street and had just gotten Isaac out of the car when his teacher, Elizabeth, comes running out of the building and approaches me. She tells me that the school is in lockdown and so it's up to me if I want to leave Isaac at school or take him back home. I asked what happened, and what she'd heard is that someone had escaped from the courthouse which was about another 2 blocks away. She explained that all the kids were inside and safe and they had the blinds drawn shut, which I thought was great because Isaac's class is in the basement level and being outside you can see directly into the classrooms. I decide to take Isaac with me, and Elizabeth stayed to make sure we got loaded safe and I wished her luck and we drove off. I had a few errands to run, so I had to take Isaac with me. We drove out from the school to get the the bank, and just as we went thru the major intersection there a bunch of police cars and fire trucks blocked it off. I did my bank business quickly and had Isaac say a prayer that everyone would be safe. I was going to head to Rite-Aid next, but from where I was at all the on-ramps to the highway were blocked by police by then, so I made a huge go-around and went to the pharmacy first. As we're driving towards a further entrance to the highway, I notice police and firetrucks completely surrounding our neighborhood, and I still thought it was something to do with someone from the courthouse, so I'm thinking this isn't Michael Phelps who hit the bong too many times, this is someone who's probably dangerous. And it obviously had just happened with all these police suddenly showing up. From the route I had to take they had about a mile radius blocked with all sorts of police and emergency vehicles. I was able to get to Rite-Aid which is a few miles away, and we spent extra time inside there and I let Isaac browse their toy aisles. I have to go to the bathroom ALOT so I know we have to head home, and as we're driving home I notice that the police cars are all gone and kids are also out on the playground. So I figure everything is okay again. I had Isaac say another prayer of thanks, and we went home and stayed inside with our doors locked the rest of the day.
Today when I took Isaac to school, they gave me a note that had been sent home with the kids yesterday. I did ask if lockdowns are something that happens often, and the one teacher aid who's been there 5 years said that's only the 2nd time it's happened at our school. It was a really scary thing, seeing the school in lockdown and all the police everywhere. We never had lockdowns growing up, so this was a new thing for me too. I'm glad I didn't know exactly what was going on until I saw the website today, because I was already scared and weepy (aka pregnant), and I think if I'd known it would have terrified me that I would've left town the entire rest of the day. I won't live my life being afraid to go to my own home.
The note from the school says:
Dear Parents, Central School was in secure lock down due to some police activity near the building today. Students were in lock-down from 12:15-1:00 and then were given permission by the Albany Police Department to resume our normal school activities. During this time lunch was interrupted, although, after the lock-down was concluded we allowed those students whom may have missed lunch to eat.
You must know our students and staff did an amazing job implementing the lock down and making Central School safe.
I have been told a suspect was apprehended not too far from Central School and the situation was indeed a potentially dangerous one.
Thanks to the Albany Police Department for their diligent response to this event and assisting to keep our students safe.
John Hunter, Principal
Scary, huh? I'm grateful that the timing was just right that Isaac and I were right on time for school because if we'd been running late then we wouldn've been in the middle of the police surrounding the neighborhood instead of seeing it happen in my rear-view mirror. I'm grateful we were driving instead of walking thru all that. I pray that it doesn't happen again at any school Isaac attends, because I would have been worried sick if he'd been in the school when that happened and I wouldn't have been able to keep him safe. The rest of yesterday afternoon we played games and watched movies, and so today he asked me if today was another "special" day (meaning movie day) and he was disappointed when I told him no, everything was back to normal :)
Posted by Heather at 1:34 PM 0 comments
Today our March Ensign arrived, and right in the middle is a 3-page article about the Church's new disabilities web site. We are fortunate to currently live in an incredible ward where the people are so friendly and flexible and willing to do whatever they can to help Isaac fit in and belong. But in some wards I have felt like that understanding wasn't really there, and for those people I'm grateful for this article about the new website. The website is www.disabilities.lds.org and right near the top is a list of different disabilities that people can suffer from, with Autism being at the top of the list.
Reading the article had me in tears (maybe partly that's horomones) because I'm just so grateful that rather than just touching on disabilities here and there, the church has taken an active role in promoting acceptance and love for those who are living with a disability. It also reminded me how incredibly blessed we are in this ward with Isaac's Primary leaders. They don't pressure him to participate at the front of the room if he doesn't want to. They ignore the head-spinning and other self-stimulating things Isaac does. And even though they encourage kids to raise their hands to be called on, they don't come down on Isaac when he calls out "Pick me!" because he really wants to participate too. They include him just like any of the other Primary children. And I am so grateful.
Posted by Heather at 9:10 PM 0 comments