Pictures are from my 19 week ultrasound...
Today was my 25 week appointment, and everything looks good! Since my visit last month, I've gained just less than 3 pounds, which brings my total weight gain with this pregnancy to just less than 3 pounds. Brooke is active as ever, and I notice she has fewer and shorter resting periods than she used to. She knows how to hit my bladder and kick my ribs all at the same time, what a talented girl!
The doctor told us we'd schedule the ultrasound next month, which was fine. We did ask her what days she does c-sections on so that we could try to plan ahead as much as possible (Dan's PTO and all that), so she looked at the calendar and said she'd try to reserve June 2nd for the c-section. A few hours after the appointment I got a phone call from the office, and they have already scheduled the c-section! WOW! It will be June 2nd at 7:30am. I can't believe how fast it's going by.Even though it's going fast, I look forward to having my body to myself again. I'm uncomfortable. If I try to stand for long periods of time, I get a pinched nerve in my leg and my back kills me. It hurts to sit on the floor and play games with Isaac. I'm one of the typical lucky women who also gets those tendon pulls that supports the uterus, and it doesn't hurt with the first pregnancy but hurts like the dickins for the 2nd and on. I'm not swollen which I'm grateful for. And at this time with Isaac, I was already seeing the doctor on a weekly basis and in roughly another month is when I was put on bedrest when I was pregnant with him. Mostly I'm TIRED. I try to get to bed early, but still waking up multiple times during the night to try to turn and get comfortable, a
couple of those times actually getting up to pee, then crawling back into bed and trying to get to sleep while listening to my husband snore and shoving at him to roll over on his side, and trying to ignore my growling stomache which thinks it's time to get up and have breakfast at 3am... It's all preparation for after Brooke arrives.
My next appointment is in 3 weeks instead of 4, and after that it will be every 2 weeks until the very end, when it will be every week. Seven months down, 3 more to go! Ya, you read that, 10 months = 40 weeks. Count it. The doctor told Dan they go be weeks which equals 10 months, and like I told him, any woman who's been pregnant KNOWS it's 10 months! Ten whole months of crabbiness, cramps and sore boobs. But it's worth it in the end.
1 week ago
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