Today our March Ensign arrived, and right in the middle is a 3-page article about the Church's new disabilities web site. We are fortunate to currently live in an incredible ward where the people are so friendly and flexible and willing to do whatever they can to help Isaac fit in and belong. But in some wards I have felt like that understanding wasn't really there, and for those people I'm grateful for this article about the new website. The website is and right near the top is a list of different disabilities that people can suffer from, with Autism being at the top of the list.
Reading the article had me in tears (maybe partly that's horomones) because I'm just so grateful that rather than just touching on disabilities here and there, the church has taken an active role in promoting acceptance and love for those who are living with a disability. It also reminded me how incredibly blessed we are in this ward with Isaac's Primary leaders. They don't pressure him to participate at the front of the room if he doesn't want to. They ignore the head-spinning and other self-stimulating things Isaac does. And even though they encourage kids to raise their hands to be called on, they don't come down on Isaac when he calls out "Pick me!" because he really wants to participate too. They include him just like any of the other Primary children. And I am so grateful.
1 week ago
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