Monday, July 13, 2009

Bleeding ears

It's good to be grateful for the little things in life. I'm grateful that, as of yet, my ears haven't bled from Brooke's screaming. I don't know if it's even possible for that to happen, but it wouldn't surprise me either.

Brooke has been diagnosed with acid reflux, a very common condition in newborns. She's been on Zantac for a few days now and we've seen an improvement. She still spits up, but it's not as often, it's not projectile, and it's not coming out her nose.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.

Considering that I didn't get to bed until 1am last night, I can't say that the Zantac is helping with the colic much.

We had a good 4th of July. We did fireworks here at home because I'm a party-pooper and didn't feel like hauling two grouchy kids to some late night show. We still had a good time.

And Brooke, who will wake from her nap at the slightest sound, slept like this through our neighborhood's entire firework display:

Both the kids have been a handful. Between Brooke's screaming and barfing and Isaac's attitude problem, the days go by pretty quickly. Occasionally we get nice moments like this:

A couple Sundays ago Isaac noticed the clouds and pointed them out to me. I've never seen clouds like this! It made me appreciate those small, beautiful things in life that are so easy to overlook.

And I've even started working in the yard again, which I've missed so much! It's great to be outside playing in the dirt, and have something beautiful come from your hard work.


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