Today I had my follow-up appointment. As I was sitting in the room waiting for the doctor to come in, my mind was drifting as I was staring at the shelves in the room. Then I realized what I'd been staring at: a life-like replica of a woman's hoo-haa. Then I couldn't stop staring at it because #1) I couldn't figure out what in the world they would use this model for, especially since it had the handy dandy hole and #2) I kept thinking all they needed to do was put pens in that handy dandy hole and it'd look like some obscene pencil holder. The appointment went fine and I'm now equiped to not have any more surprise Thurber peanuts until I decide I want more.
Which I don't. Right now I really don't.
Besides not having time to get on here and type with two hands, I haven't felt like writing. Brooke's acid reflux has gotten better since being on her medicine, but the colic is still rough. She cries all evening until we head to bed at about 11pm. She wakes between 3-5am, and either starts her day or falls back asleep for a couple of hours. At least we're starting to see something that could be defined as a fuzzy routine.
Isaac's been driving me nuts. When he's not having fits, he's having accidents which really aren't accidents since I know he can use the potty he's just not listening to his body and doing it. So on a daily basis I'm scrubbing pee off the carpet, the sofa, the rocker, the computer chair, and today when he pooped his pants and it fell on the floor I was scrubbing poop off the bathroom floor too. He goes through his entire underwear stock in a day. It makes me feel like my house is so gross and dirty, even when I'm scrubbing up after him.
So I do a lot of whining lately, and no one wants to listen to that.
One day Dan took the kids for the day and I was able to get the house totally scrubbed clean. It was glorious. It didn't last long, but it was wonderful while it lasted and I look forward to being able to have that clean house again. Some day.
1 week ago
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