Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How did Eve do it?

All through the night you can hear moaning and grunting coming from our room... It's me, trying to roll over and get comfortable. I've been in so much pain, and I don't know how many times I've wondered how Eve did it.

Did Eve have heartburn? She didn't have Tums.

Did Eve throw up or dry heave every time she brushed her teeth? I'm assuming they cleaned their teeth somehow.

Did Eve have Sciatica that caused pain and numbness down her lower body? She didn't have ice packs.

Did Eve have groin pain, the kind the doctor says is another pinched nerve, but actually feels like someone has taken a wooden baseball bat and stuck it between your legs and beat upwards repeatedly? She didn't have Tylenol.

Last night as we were crawling into bed I told Dan that I wondered how Eve did it, handling it all with no Tylenol or ice packs. His totally male response was, "I think she was so busy helping Adam work the land that it just took her mind off of her pain."

Pause... *Blink Blink*

I admit I had harsh words to say about that. I know he can never understand partly because he's male and partly because he is who he is, but I still couldn't believe those words came out of his mouth.

This is the same guy who knows I have to wash dishes in shifts and ice my back in between because the pain and numbness gets so bad I can barely walk. This is the same guy that I ask to help me get things out of the dryer because bending over creates a horrible pulling with contractions when I stand up again. This is the same guy who knows that after helping with yard work I'm down for the rest of the day and the entire next day with unbelieveable pain. This is the same guy who I have to have help me vacuum the house because it's too difficult for me to work the vacuum and haul it upstairs too. This is the same guy who, knowing all this, figures Eve took her mind off her pain by doing manual labor?!

I'm glad we weren't Adam and Eve.


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