Today I went to Isaac's Parent-Teacher conference, and it was great as I knew it would be.
Isaac is doing great in the structured classroom. He's initiating more with his peers, but now they're going to be working on how he does it since grabbing a friend's toy and saying "Chase me!" while running away doesn't exactly create the kind of fun friendly response Isaac was seeking.
He's doing GREAT in reading, and he has impressed the teachers that he knows the simple words like ball, girl, boy, play (I think they call those sight words?) They're especially impressed because they haven't been working on that at all, so it's something he's picked up on his own (here's me patting myself on the back). For 1st grade next year they're planning on having him attend the mainstream 1st grade class for reading time (and maybe math?), but the only thing that might hold him back is if the 1st grade teacher can't understand his speech then that would be a problem. But she's planning on shooting for the mainstream reading class next year! He will be just about at peer level in that subject! How awesome is that?!
Soon I want to post videos of before and after of Isaac: before when he was totally nonverbal and using ASL to communicate, and videos of now and how he won't stop talking!
1 week ago
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