Last night Dan and I talked and went over Isaac's routine and the general routine of how I run the house. I had it printed out so it'll be easy to follow, and we had a good talk with minimal eyeball rolling.
This morning we woke up and found that one of Isaac's pet rats, Jerry, had died. She'd been sick for quite a while and we'd been praying that she'd pass quickly. It was horrible to see her so sick and we'd called around to see how much it would cost to put a rat down... One place charged $60 and every other place was $100! OUCH! That's just robbery. So we did the only thing we could do and just prayed that she'd go quickly. We had a nice little funeral in the backyard and Isaac placed a calla lily on top of the grave. The grave was actually dug in part of our compost pile, but it was still a nice little service fit for a rat.Isaac has a difficult time understanding death and the separation of spirit from body... Over a year ago his pet Brown Rat had died after we'd had him for about 3 years. Isaac still talks about Brown Rat. We've been telling Isaac that now Brown Rat and Jerry are in heaven together and probably tickling Jesus with their whiskers. Poor kiddo. We still have Tom and Stinky Fish, and after they're gone I think it'll be a while before we do more pets. We'll see.
1 week ago
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